Hi! Welcome to my Blog! : ) I'm totally new at this... so bare with me!
I'm not for sure where I'll go with this blog, or that I'll go anywhere at all with it, but I thought I'd give it a shot and see what happens. I started a recipe blog a while back, and am still shocked with how much it has taken off... don't we all love recipes! I plan to share some of those recipes (and probably other things) in this blog... Stay tuned!
When I got married in September of 2010, I was COMPLETELY clueless about pretty much everything! I had heated up some frozen foods, done a bit of laundry, and kept my room straightened up (or at least somewhat), but my "wifey" skills never went that much farther than that. Nonetheless, I decided I was going to "jump in" and go for it!
Ok, skip forward, let's get to the point... right? : )
My husband and I returned home from our honeymoon with a house with NO food! Although I was still brand new to this whole grocery shopping and cooking thing, there was no time (panic!).. we had to go get food. So, late one night, we took at little trip to Schnucks. Oh my overwhelmingness! We walked in with NO list, and started shopping. We were like two mad people, walking back and forth down aisles trying to come up with meal ideas. We got up to the register to check out, and both were about knocked over when we heard the total. Needless to say, I decided I would never return to the grocery store without a list in hand! : )
From that day forward, I decided I would learn how to meal plan, clip coupons, cook, grocery shop, etc. I'm still learning more each day, but love this journey I'm on. Hopefully in this blog, I'll share some things I've learned along the way.
Netflix & Chill Date Night for Couples
1 day ago
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